Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Today as I sit in class about Sport Marketing I have a lot of things other than what we are talking about on my mind. Just a thought that I have been thinking about has to do with Christmas trees. When you buy a "live" Christmas tree is it really alive? The tree has been cut down and when you buy it it does not include the roots. I know this might be weird to think about are the trees dead or alive? A good think to compare this to is when you get fresh flowers. They are still alive but cut from the roots and can only be maintained with water. On to further thoughts this class is discussing endorsements with professional athletes. This just sparks thoughts about what it would be like to get paid to wear a brand of clothing instead of paying to wear that product. I haven't looked much into the NBA lockout but when I hear of players complaining about money and not getting paid enough it really gets under my skin. There are kids and families in the U.S. who just went through Thanksgiving without a family meal or even food. This is hard to think about and consider but when you see the suffering first hand this instance becomes very real. This past Thanksgiving I was not able to go home and see my parents but I think this was God's way of opening my eyes to the real world. I was privileged enough to spend Thanksgiving with a couple young guys who would not have had a family meal without the graciousness of my sister. It really made the experience of giving thanks even more special than usual. I challenge you for this Christmas season to find a family or a person who will not enjoy this season as you will. Give your time and gifts to others to help make this year the best that person has ever experienced. Proverb of the day: "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." Proverbs 3:3 NIV Thank you for reading and have a great God filled day!!! -Chris-